The integer program model of minimal spanning tree was built up by the concepts of root and level of node in LINGO. 求解最小生成树的方法虽然很多,但是利用LINGO建立相应的整数规划模型是一种新的尝试。
A 2-D minimal spanning tree model on the spatial structures of natural focal disease 自然疫源性疾病疫源地空间结构的二维最小生成树模型及其应用
Image edge detection using new weighted entropy minimal spanning tree algorithm 最小加权熵支撑树图像边缘提取方法
A Minimal Spanning Tree based Graph Indexing Algorithm 基于最小生成树的图数据库索引算法
A color image segmentation method based on Minimal Spanning Tree and local thresholds; 提出一种采用彩色分割及多级混合集成分类器的车牌自动识别方法。
The two algorithms for finding the minimal spanning tree of an undirected weighted graph are PRIM algorithm and KRUSKAL algorithm. 对求无向赋权图最小生成树两种算法分别是PRIM算法和KRUSKAL算法。
At the same time, two new algorithms which are lustful algorithm and the method of modifying the minimal spanning tree are presented. 并提出两个新的算法&贪心算法和修改最小生成树法。
With the support of GIS, the minimal spanning tree theory of graph theory and 120 project theory can be applied to irrigation pipeline's layout optimization. 首次提出了将GIS(地理信息系统)和图论技术应用于低压管道输水灌溉规划设计及灌溉管网优化中,在GIS支持环境下,应用图论中的最小生成树法和120°规划进行管道的最优化布置。
A note on minimal spanning tree problem 关于最小生成树问题的注记
Some pattern recognition methods including dynamic clustering analysis, minimal spanning tree and principal component analysis have been used to recognize the extents of both lattice-match and thermo-match at 300K for the samples containing ZnO semiconductor material. 利用动态聚类分析、最小生成树、主成分分析等模式识别方法,对含ZnO半导体材料的样本集中各样本之间在300K时的晶格匹配与热匹配程度进行了分析。
Minimal Spanning Tree Model by Integer Programming 整数规划下的最小生成树模型
A New Algorithm of Minimal Spanning Tree 最小支撑树的新算法
A Key-node Based Dynamic Heuristic Minimal Spanning Tree Multicast Routing Algorithm 基于关键节点的动态多播最小生成树算法
Algorithm and Analysis of Fuzzy Minimal Spanning Tree in Fluid Pipeline Networks 流体管网中模糊最小树的算法与分析
Application of Minimal Spanning Tree in Supplies of Central Heating 最小生成树问题在暖气供应建设中的应用
This paper extends the heuristic algorithm for network design from one dimensional space into two dimensional space, taking minimal spanning tree as initial network, thus suggesting a heuristic algorithm which can be used efficiently for centralized network design on time delay constraint. 本文把网络设计的试探算法从一维空间扩展到二维空间,用最小生成树作为起始网,提出了一种便于以时延为约束条件的网络设计试探算法。
This paper present the algorithm or O ( n2) minimal spanning tree and describe its application in the Ventilation networks. 本文提出一个O(n~2)的最小生成树算法,并结合在矿井通风网络中的应用进行阐述。
The article introduces prim algorithm of minimal spanning tree, the realization of minimum function and the influence which the function makes upon minimal spanning tree gotten by prim algorithm. 本文介绍了最小生成树的prim算法,minimum函数的实现过程及该函数对由prim算法所得到的最小生成树的影响。
A question about minimal spanning tree 最小生成树的一个问题
Discussions about the Two Algorithms for Finding the Minimal Spanning Tree of an Undirected Weighted Graph 求无向赋权图最小生成树的两种算法的探讨
Minimal spanning tree and cut-sets 极小树与割集
Prim algorithm of minimal spanning tree and minimum function 最小生成树的prim算法及minimum函数
As far as the minimal spanning tree problem for the digraph with asymmetric weights is concerned, an explicit integer programming model is proposed, which could be solved successfully by using the integer programming packages such as Lindo. 就具有不对称权重的有向图中的最小生成树问题,本文首次建立了相应的显式整数规划模型,这一模型可以成功地运用整数规划软件包如Lindo等求解。
Calculate the minimal spanning tree, which passes the points in dimensions space; 按图论原理求过m维空间n个点的最小生成树;
In this article, with the aid of a ranking method of fuzzy numbers, algorithms of fuzzy minimal spanning tree are obtained by applying fuzzy set to analysis of pipeline networks. 目的将模糊集应用到管网分析中,研究流体管网中模糊最小树的算法。
The algorithm of o ( n~ 2) minimal spanning tree and its application in ventilation networks 通风网络中最小生成树的O(n~2)算法
Using Principal Components Analysis and Minimal Spanning Tree to Study Weed Ecological Similarity in Wheat Fields in Middle 应用PCA及MST研究浙中麦田杂草生态学相似关系
A numerical example is given to illustrate the algorithm of fuzzy minimal spanning tree in three different cases, namely, the indifference weighting, the optimistic weighting and the pessimistic weighting. 结果结合算例,既算出了树的模糊阻抗值,又针对无差异、乐观与悲观3种权重情况获得了树的OERI值,实现了模糊最小树算法。
It mainly includes: the main crotches identification based on minimal spanning tree, which is generated from contracted point cloud, and the global scalar field of sampling radii. 主要体现在:利用由收缩后点云生成的最小生成树识别出主要树权点,进而计算出全局的采样半径标量场。
Because traditional method are suitable to process bulbiform data, but minimal spanning tree clustering is good at process data which have complex graphic border. 由于传统的聚类方法,只适合处理球状数据,而最小生成树聚类算法对图形边界较复杂的数据也能得到较好的结果。